Membership Benefits

Over 25 Years of Growing Trade… World Trade Center Harrisburg has more than 300 members from over 100 companies, including manufacturers, processors, wholesalers, trading companies as well as private and public sector trade facilitators. Members represent a wide variety of industry sectors and include both small and large companies, mostly from the Southcentral Pennsylvania region. Be a part of a truly global network of 330 World Trade Centers in 100 countries throughout the world. Because of our affiliation with the World Trade Centers Association, our members may utilize the services and facilities of all 300 World Trade Centers around the globe. These privileges include meeting and club facilities, trade information and education services, exhibit space, access to temporary office space, secretarial and translation services and videoconferencing facilities at member rates.

Become a Member
Discounted Rates at Educational Seminars and Networking Events

Detailed seminars focus on subjects such as export procedures, ITAR,  and international payments, as well as webinars that highlight specific topics of international trade.

Access to World Trade Centers Globally

There are over 320 World Trade Centers in 100 countries, and members may utilize the services and facilities of all World Trade Centers globally.  See where other WTC’s are located here.

Member to Member Referrals

The WTC Harrisburg facilitates member to member referrals and encourages members to share international experiences, best practices, and challenges and pitfalls in the global marketplace.

Free Market Research

• Market Intelligence and Trends
• Harmonized Code Research
• Industry and Country reports
• Competitive Research

Technical Trade Assistance

We will answer questions or make referrals to experts on various topics including regulations, documentation, logistics and finance for both importing and exporting related issues.

Discounted Fees on Consulting Services

• International Market Development
• Project Management
• In-house Training of Employees

Participation in Trade Initiatives

WTC Harrisburg partners with other organizations and other World Trade Centers to organizes member exhibits at industry specific tradeshows internationally.


Roundtable discussions focusing on specific global business issues, such as marketing, importing, business development, and exporting challenges and successes

Member Spotlight

Share your successes, lessons learned or memorable experiences through our member spotlight series.

Access to Harrisburg International Airport’s Flyer Rewards Program

We are excited to now offer our members access to the Harrisburg International Airports’ Flyer Rewards program. As a member of the WTC and HIA Flyer Rewards program, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of Saving Time and Relax. Once you sign up, you will gain access to to the employee/crew entrance of the security checkpoint line during the busiest weekday morning hours. You will also be able to relax in the Susquehanna Club (across from gate A2), where you can enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee, read the paper, watch the news on the big screen tv, or get some work done before your flight. When you arrive at the Club, present your HIA Flyer Rewards card. The Club attendant will provide you a trip data form to be completed during your stay.

Membership Costs

Our annual membership dues range from $125 for an individual membership to $250 for small and medium sized companies and non-profit organizations.  Dues for larger companies increase depending on the number of employees.  Membership fees for companies that provide services for exporters and importers start at $350 per year, depending on the size of the firm.

Become a Member